Thursday, October 4, 2007

My Favorite Thing

This is my favorite present ever that anyone has ever given me. It is the Revolve Devotional Bible. It is marketed towards teens, but hey, I'm 27 and I am in love with it! It's very girly and it's got some cool pictures inside, it comes with daily devotions to help you and it comes in the New Century Version.

What is the New Century version? I wondered the same thing myself. In a nutshell, God wants everyone to be able to understand his word, and this is a version that keeps his truth intact, yet delivers the message in terms we can understand. When I read it, it feels like I am reading a novel. You really start to feel the characters and get into the stories. Something that was difficult for me reading the King James Version. Although I still love and appreciate the King James.

Yikes! My husband paid $40 for my bible but don't worry, if you shop smart you don't have to pay that steep price. I found a link for you where you can get it for way WAY less than that! Just click here to see and compare prices.

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