Monday, May 5, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Marriage Counseling Tips: How Did My Child Get So Disrespectful?
Author: Stan Dubin

This is a question too many parents are asking these days. And
it seems the age at which this problem manifests itself is
getting younger and younger.
Let's look at some of the apparent reasons for this:
1. Peer pressure. Kids tend to emulate what the "other" kids are
doing so if they observe their friends being disrespectful to
their parents, this makes it easier for them to follow suit.
2. Turbulent school environment. If the scene at school is rough
and kids are learning not-so-wonderful character traits, this of
course rubs off at home.
3. Parents not around. When both parents work or spend too much
time away from home, children find ways to let their parents
know they object to this. Disrespect may certainly be one of
these ways.
Each one of the above most certainly can be factors, but let me
suggest another possibility:
The parent and the child are OUT of communication with each
What does that mean: "out" of communication? It means simply
there may be talking going back and forth, but communicating
isn't really happening. The child has things on his mind that
s/he doesn't want the parents to know or is too embarrassed to
tell them. The parents observe conduct that they consider
non-optimum and instead of sitting down with the child and
discussing this, they get backed off or consider they just don't
have the time to do so.
Then there's the simple every-day communication that can
disappear in a family. There's the question: "How are you
doing?" AND really wanting to know the answer to that question.
Not a fast "how's it going?" with the too-often superficial
response. The child may be struggling to understand something
about life or upset about something that happened with a friend.
The parent who gets in there and finds out these things and is
there to gently help the child resolve these concerns is a
parent who is instilling respect into the relationship. And this
respect goes both ways: from the child to the parent and from
the parent to the child.
A vital ingredient in helping your child grow is communication.
It cannot be brushed off. To the degree that your conversations
with your child are superficial, to that degree your child will
go out of harmony with you. You, the parent, are in control of
how much harmony and respect there is in your home.
Each of the three factors given above (peer pressure, etc.) may
be present in your child's life. But if you and your child are
in superb communication, these factors just do not have the same
impact they would otherwise.
It is never too late to get into better and better communication
with your child. Every step in that direction is a major step in
the right direction.
About the author:
Stan Dubin is author of the book "When the Thrill is Gone, How
to Put the Life and Excitement Back into ANY Relationship." For
additional marriage advice and tools go to:
http://MarriageSuccess.com. To find out the KEY reason
relationships fail and how to remedy that, go to:

This is a question too many parents are asking these days. And
it seems the age at which this problem manifests itself is
getting younger and younger.
Let's look at some of the apparent reasons for this:
1. Peer pressure. Kids tend to emulate what the "other" kids are
doing so if they observe their friends being disrespectful to
their parents, this makes it easier for them to follow suit.
2. Turbulent school environment. If the scene at school is rough
and kids are learning not-so-wonderful character traits, this of
course rubs off at home.
3. Parents not around. When both parents work or spend too much
time away from home, children find ways to let their parents
know they object to this. Disrespect may certainly be one of
these ways.
Each one of the above most certainly can be factors, but let me
suggest another possibility:
The parent and the child are OUT of communication with each
What does that mean: "out" of communication? It means simply
there may be talking going back and forth, but communicating
isn't really happening. The child has things on his mind that
s/he doesn't want the parents to know or is too embarrassed to
tell them. The parents observe conduct that they consider
non-optimum and instead of sitting down with the child and
discussing this, they get backed off or consider they just don't
have the time to do so.
Then there's the simple every-day communication that can
disappear in a family. There's the question: "How are you
doing?" AND really wanting to know the answer to that question.
Not a fast "how's it going?" with the too-often superficial
response. The child may be struggling to understand something
about life or upset about something that happened with a friend.
The parent who gets in there and finds out these things and is
there to gently help the child resolve these concerns is a
parent who is instilling respect into the relationship. And this
respect goes both ways: from the child to the parent and from
the parent to the child.
A vital ingredient in helping your child grow is communication.
It cannot be brushed off. To the degree that your conversations
with your child are superficial, to that degree your child will
go out of harmony with you. You, the parent, are in control of
how much harmony and respect there is in your home.
Each of the three factors given above (peer pressure, etc.) may
be present in your child's life. But if you and your child are
in superb communication, these factors just do not have the same
impact they would otherwise.
It is never too late to get into better and better communication
with your child. Every step in that direction is a major step in
the right direction.
About the author:
Stan Dubin is author of the book "When the Thrill is Gone, How
to Put the Life and Excitement Back into ANY Relationship." For
additional marriage advice and tools go to:
http://MarriageSuccess.com. To find out the KEY reason
relationships fail and how to remedy that, go to:
Monday, March 17, 2008
Top Ten Concerns About the Future of Vaccination
Author: Dan Schultz, DC

I recently reviewed the Institute for International Research's
article, What Are the Top Ten Challenges Cited By Scientists in
Vaccines Development? . Wow. Oddly, there were no concerns cited
whatsoever regarding the many, many safety issues that stare us
in the face. So, I compiled my own top ten list -- you may call
it a rebuttal or a reality check -- of the concerns for our
future. Top Ten Concerns About the Future of Vaccination, by Dan
Schultz, DC 1. Overvaccination Many scientists have serious
concerns that the human immune and nervous systems did not
evolve with any adaptive mechanisms to parenteral (injected)
administration of substances. We simply don't know what kind of
long-term effects injecting chemicals like formaldehyde,
mercury, aluminum, and many other toxic compounds like
genetically modified, chemically denatured viruses and bacteria
directly into the human blood stream. (See Precautions Not a
Priority and New Study: Americans May Be Overvaccinated)
Vaccination is an offense against nature. In the 1800s, we
started with just one vaccine -- smallpox -- and in 1982, it was
23 doses of seven vaccines. Until recently it was 48 doses of 14
vaccines by age 6 and now they've added annual flu shots for our
kids, HPV and there's more to come. Many more. Meanwhile, there
has never been even one long-term safety study for any vaccine
in the history of vaccines. 2. Aluminum Toxicity It took
hundreds of years to eliminate (and we still haven't fully
accomplished it) mercury from all of medicines "cures." From
Blue mass, to Mercurochrome, to "silver" fillings, to
thimerosal, this extremely neurotoxic chemical has been
approved, used, and banned in so many cases now that pretty much
everyone knows that mercury is not a good thing to have in your
body. What about aluminum? Well, aluminum has been conclusively
linked to Alzheimer's Disease, fibromyalgia, and other
neurological disorders. No one knows what else, because no one
is much interested in studying what happens, especially, when
aluminum is parenterally (injected) into the human system. If
history is any barometer, we do know it will take decades to get
it out of vaccines. (See Is Aluminum the New Thimerosal? and
Aluminum in Vaccines at www.novaccine.com) 3. Microbial
Adaptation Most people already know that flu viruses mutate
faster (See Cause of Flu Epidemics Uncovered) than we can make
vaccine for them, and a lot of it's guesswork anyway. For
example, the medical industry admitted that this year's flu
vaccine was worthless. But there are more serious consequences
for messing with Mother nature. Germs fight back with vengeance.
"Nature abhors a vacuum," University of Texas microbiologist
Danielle Garsin, PhD explains. "If you kill off some of the
harmful bacteria, you leave an opening in which another strain
can take advantage of that situation." The superbugs that
developed as a result have been a frightening example of the
growing problem of antibiotic resistance. (See A Superbug
Evolves). A recent Journal of American Medical Association found
that "strains not included in the Prevnar vaccine were becoming
more numerous and more resistant to standard antibiotics." (See
Drug-Resistant Infections Gaining Traction in U.S.)

4. Immunosupression People are getting more and more sick. We
don't need studies, just ask around. Ask your grandmother, aunts
and uncles how many medications their taking and for how many
illnesses. Ask you high school administrator for the numbers of
students on Ritalin and Anti-depressants. Viera Scheibner, PhD
states "the New England Journal of Medicine published in 1984
that tetanus booster injections result in the same derangement
of T4 and T8 cells as seen in AIDS patients. A 'mysterious' new
syndrome emerged in the US: thousands of children are developing
AIDS symptoms (with deranged T4 and T8 cells) without being HIV
positive. My well-considered opinion is that it comes from that
T (standing for tetanus) in the DPT vaccine." (Viera Scheibner
Quote) 5. Widespread Allergic and Asthmatic Conditions When
substances are parenterally administered into the human blood
stream, the body reacts to the foreign proteins and often
creates an allergy, which is exactly what has been shown to
happen with latex and gelatin, among other ingredients in
vaccines (See Allergy and Vaccinations). One University of
Manitoba researcher found that vaccines can cause an allergic
reaction and researchers are speculating whether children's
immune systems are better able to handle the vaccine's
side-effects when they're older. "Children who have their first
routine vaccination delayed by more than four months cut their
risk of asthma (a form of allergy) in half." Reaction can be
acute and more severe, as well. "Three schoolchildren were taken
to the intensive care of the city hospital with the most serious
allergic reaction - Quincke's edema - after vaccination against
influenza. Three boys aged 7, 10, and 11 were taken to hospital
from three different schools (See Three Children Taken to
Intensive Care After Vaccination Against Influenza). An article
in the Guardian recently stated "The number of people prone to
severe, sometimes fatal, allergic reactions has accelerated
dramatically over the last two years... possible causes could
include pollution or vaccines, but experts stressed more
research needed to be done. Of particular concern is the sharp
rise in the number of young children who are suffering." 6.
Future Pandemics/Epidemics. As one researcher, Andrew Moniotis,
PhD convincingly demonstrates in How to Predict Epidemics, that
it's uncanny how vaccination has preceded epidemics throughout
history. The medical people like to parrot claims that vaccines
have eradicated disease, but it's simply not true. Read your
history. Get educated. While some are already recognize
epidemics of diabetes, obesity, chronic inflammatory disease,
and neurological conditions -- all of which can be linked to
increased vaccinations -- I wonder what other kinds of epidemics
can result from such human experimentation. 7. New Man-Made
Diseases. One must consider the disastrous potential of
"monkeying with nature" and the very real possibility of
creating new and more dangerous organic matter (bacteria or
viruses) that nature did not equip us to handle. No one knows
what will happen, but we do know what happened when they made
the polio vaccine. Millions of doses of the polio vaccine were
contaminated with SV40, a virus picked up from monkey kidney
tissue in vaccine production, it was conclusively determined to
have caused an untold number of cancers. I invite you to
consider the facts involved in the creation of a man-made virus
called the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. I recommend viewing the
video The Origin of AIDS. 8. Full Corporate Control. Many argue
that the pharmaceutical companies already have pervaded all
aspects of health care and government policy-making. No longer
does the government or universities conduct independent studies
on safety or efficacy, but, in most cases, rely on drug company
grants or the drug companies simply do the studies themselves.
Big pharma representatives occupy most government policy-making
positions, and/or influence the decision makers. As in the
recent HPV marketing blitz, the drug companies have massive
monetary resources available to lobby and push their products
through approval and mandates. Nearly every approved vaccine
eventually has been mandated nationwide. But it can get worse.
9. Adult Mandates As the growth potential of the vaccine market
taps out the child/infant demographic, the next target is
adults. Demographic targets have been shifted before. The
Hepatitis B target group was initially adults (IV drug users and
homosexuals) and the drug companies mandated it for newborns
when they couldn't sell enough. Now it appears that adult
revaccination (boosters) and new adult vaccines (like
experimental AIDS vaccines) may be the best financial
opportunity for vaccine manufacturers. Watch for the resurgence
of government fines, tax penalties, jail time, withholding
welfare benefits, etc., and a national registry. 10. The AIDS
Vaccine Because HIV is not the cause of AIDS (See the video HIV:
The Greatest Medical Hoax of Our Time) and simply the scapegoat
for newly named immunosupression, there can never be any
legitimately "effective" vaccine, but political and
profit-making forces will likely create one. And since,
historically, vaccines have proven their ability to cause the
disease they are made to protect people from, lining up and
getting this shot in the arm may be dicey. (See Vaccines That
Caused the Disease They Were Meant to Prevent.)

About the author:
Dan Schultz, DC is the Founder and President of the World
Association for Vaccine Education at www.novaccine.com

I recently reviewed the Institute for International Research's
article, What Are the Top Ten Challenges Cited By Scientists in
Vaccines Development? . Wow. Oddly, there were no concerns cited
whatsoever regarding the many, many safety issues that stare us
in the face. So, I compiled my own top ten list -- you may call
it a rebuttal or a reality check -- of the concerns for our
future. Top Ten Concerns About the Future of Vaccination, by Dan
Schultz, DC 1. Overvaccination Many scientists have serious
concerns that the human immune and nervous systems did not
evolve with any adaptive mechanisms to parenteral (injected)
administration of substances. We simply don't know what kind of
long-term effects injecting chemicals like formaldehyde,
mercury, aluminum, and many other toxic compounds like
genetically modified, chemically denatured viruses and bacteria
directly into the human blood stream. (See Precautions Not a
Priority and New Study: Americans May Be Overvaccinated)
Vaccination is an offense against nature. In the 1800s, we
started with just one vaccine -- smallpox -- and in 1982, it was
23 doses of seven vaccines. Until recently it was 48 doses of 14
vaccines by age 6 and now they've added annual flu shots for our
kids, HPV and there's more to come. Many more. Meanwhile, there
has never been even one long-term safety study for any vaccine
in the history of vaccines. 2. Aluminum Toxicity It took
hundreds of years to eliminate (and we still haven't fully
accomplished it) mercury from all of medicines "cures." From
Blue mass, to Mercurochrome, to "silver" fillings, to
thimerosal, this extremely neurotoxic chemical has been
approved, used, and banned in so many cases now that pretty much
everyone knows that mercury is not a good thing to have in your
body. What about aluminum? Well, aluminum has been conclusively
linked to Alzheimer's Disease, fibromyalgia, and other
neurological disorders. No one knows what else, because no one
is much interested in studying what happens, especially, when
aluminum is parenterally (injected) into the human system. If
history is any barometer, we do know it will take decades to get
it out of vaccines. (See Is Aluminum the New Thimerosal? and
Aluminum in Vaccines at www.novaccine.com) 3. Microbial
Adaptation Most people already know that flu viruses mutate
faster (See Cause of Flu Epidemics Uncovered) than we can make
vaccine for them, and a lot of it's guesswork anyway. For
example, the medical industry admitted that this year's flu
vaccine was worthless. But there are more serious consequences
for messing with Mother nature. Germs fight back with vengeance.
"Nature abhors a vacuum," University of Texas microbiologist
Danielle Garsin, PhD explains. "If you kill off some of the
harmful bacteria, you leave an opening in which another strain
can take advantage of that situation." The superbugs that
developed as a result have been a frightening example of the
growing problem of antibiotic resistance. (See A Superbug
Evolves). A recent Journal of American Medical Association found
that "strains not included in the Prevnar vaccine were becoming
more numerous and more resistant to standard antibiotics." (See
Drug-Resistant Infections Gaining Traction in U.S.)

4. Immunosupression People are getting more and more sick. We
don't need studies, just ask around. Ask your grandmother, aunts
and uncles how many medications their taking and for how many
illnesses. Ask you high school administrator for the numbers of
students on Ritalin and Anti-depressants. Viera Scheibner, PhD
states "the New England Journal of Medicine published in 1984
that tetanus booster injections result in the same derangement
of T4 and T8 cells as seen in AIDS patients. A 'mysterious' new
syndrome emerged in the US: thousands of children are developing
AIDS symptoms (with deranged T4 and T8 cells) without being HIV
positive. My well-considered opinion is that it comes from that
T (standing for tetanus) in the DPT vaccine." (Viera Scheibner
Quote) 5. Widespread Allergic and Asthmatic Conditions When
substances are parenterally administered into the human blood
stream, the body reacts to the foreign proteins and often
creates an allergy, which is exactly what has been shown to
happen with latex and gelatin, among other ingredients in
vaccines (See Allergy and Vaccinations). One University of
Manitoba researcher found that vaccines can cause an allergic
reaction and researchers are speculating whether children's
immune systems are better able to handle the vaccine's
side-effects when they're older. "Children who have their first
routine vaccination delayed by more than four months cut their
risk of asthma (a form of allergy) in half." Reaction can be
acute and more severe, as well. "Three schoolchildren were taken
to the intensive care of the city hospital with the most serious
allergic reaction - Quincke's edema - after vaccination against
influenza. Three boys aged 7, 10, and 11 were taken to hospital
from three different schools (See Three Children Taken to
Intensive Care After Vaccination Against Influenza). An article
in the Guardian recently stated "The number of people prone to
severe, sometimes fatal, allergic reactions has accelerated
dramatically over the last two years... possible causes could
include pollution or vaccines, but experts stressed more
research needed to be done. Of particular concern is the sharp
rise in the number of young children who are suffering." 6.
Future Pandemics/Epidemics. As one researcher, Andrew Moniotis,
PhD convincingly demonstrates in How to Predict Epidemics, that
it's uncanny how vaccination has preceded epidemics throughout
history. The medical people like to parrot claims that vaccines
have eradicated disease, but it's simply not true. Read your
history. Get educated. While some are already recognize
epidemics of diabetes, obesity, chronic inflammatory disease,
and neurological conditions -- all of which can be linked to
increased vaccinations -- I wonder what other kinds of epidemics
can result from such human experimentation. 7. New Man-Made
Diseases. One must consider the disastrous potential of
"monkeying with nature" and the very real possibility of
creating new and more dangerous organic matter (bacteria or
viruses) that nature did not equip us to handle. No one knows
what will happen, but we do know what happened when they made
the polio vaccine. Millions of doses of the polio vaccine were
contaminated with SV40, a virus picked up from monkey kidney
tissue in vaccine production, it was conclusively determined to
have caused an untold number of cancers. I invite you to
consider the facts involved in the creation of a man-made virus
called the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. I recommend viewing the
video The Origin of AIDS. 8. Full Corporate Control. Many argue
that the pharmaceutical companies already have pervaded all
aspects of health care and government policy-making. No longer
does the government or universities conduct independent studies
on safety or efficacy, but, in most cases, rely on drug company
grants or the drug companies simply do the studies themselves.
Big pharma representatives occupy most government policy-making
positions, and/or influence the decision makers. As in the
recent HPV marketing blitz, the drug companies have massive
monetary resources available to lobby and push their products
through approval and mandates. Nearly every approved vaccine
eventually has been mandated nationwide. But it can get worse.
9. Adult Mandates As the growth potential of the vaccine market
taps out the child/infant demographic, the next target is
adults. Demographic targets have been shifted before. The
Hepatitis B target group was initially adults (IV drug users and
homosexuals) and the drug companies mandated it for newborns
when they couldn't sell enough. Now it appears that adult
revaccination (boosters) and new adult vaccines (like
experimental AIDS vaccines) may be the best financial
opportunity for vaccine manufacturers. Watch for the resurgence
of government fines, tax penalties, jail time, withholding
welfare benefits, etc., and a national registry. 10. The AIDS
Vaccine Because HIV is not the cause of AIDS (See the video HIV:
The Greatest Medical Hoax of Our Time) and simply the scapegoat
for newly named immunosupression, there can never be any
legitimately "effective" vaccine, but political and
profit-making forces will likely create one. And since,
historically, vaccines have proven their ability to cause the
disease they are made to protect people from, lining up and
getting this shot in the arm may be dicey. (See Vaccines That
Caused the Disease They Were Meant to Prevent.)

About the author:
Dan Schultz, DC is the Founder and President of the World
Association for Vaccine Education at www.novaccine.com
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Tips For Traveling With A Toddler
Author: April Aguren

Traveling is an exciting time for the entire family, and if you
are taking a toddler along on the trip, you'll need to plan
ahead with activities, snacks, and all the right tools to stay
Traveling with kids is much more fun when everyone is
well-prepared for the adventure; this means packing the right
items, making sure there are enough activities to keep the kids
busy, and keeping everyone's safety in mind. Whether you're
planning a short weekend getaway or a few weeks on a family
vacation, here are some simple tips for traveling with a toddler:
1. Car seats, baby carriers, strollers, and booster seats.
Making sure you have a safe car seat, a stroller and booster
seats available, will make it much easier to travel to different
venues with your toddler. Car seats can ensure a safe drive,
while your own collapsible stroller will make it simple to tour
and visit different areas without having to rent equipment.
Leave room in your car to pack the stroller easily, and take
along a booster seat if you have some extra space. You may also
want to bring a sling or baby carrier to reduce the amount of
gear to pack if your child is not too heavy for you to carry.
Most slings can support a child up to 35 lbs. Check with your
sling's/carrier's manufacturer for details.
2. Comfortable clothing. The right outfit for the day of
traveling is important, since you want your toddler to be
comfortable and enjoy the experience. Light-colored clothing
works best, especially if you're traveling to a warmer climate.
You'll want to pack at least two outfits for the days you'll be
traveling on the road or in an airplane, as your toddler may
spill food and drinks on their clothes and that will require an
outfit change.
3. Diaper bags and accessories. You'll need a place to store
those extra diaper bags, toys, videos, snacks, and clothing, so
that everything is within easy reach. If you are traveling by
car or van, pick up an organizer bag that you can just hang over
the car seat, or a tote-style box/organizer that you can slip
into the trunk of the car.
4. Puzzles and games. Puzzles and games will keep your toddler
and kids busy during those very long travel times, so make sure
you're taking along a tote bag of their favorite toys, coloring
books, and games. Games don't have to contain lots of pieces
when you're on the road - think about simple activities such as
coloring books with crayons, picture books, and activity books
that will keep them occupied. You also may want to create a
surprise bag of little games/treats for each hour/certain number
of miles passed. This keeps them entertained and wondering what
will come next.
5. DVDs and media activities. A portable DVD player, an iPod, or
just a simple CD player are other activities that can keep your
toddler and kids occupied on a long trip. Rent some of their
favorite movies for the DVD player, or just pick up some fun
books on tape for them to listen to. These activities can keep
kids busy for a few hours, and are especially valuable for those
extra-long trips.
6. Snacks and food. Taking along enough snacks is essential when
traveling with kids, especially since you don't want to waste
lots of money on food and snacks along the way. Packing your own
snacks and food will also ensure that your kids can eat healthy
when traveling, so think of simple and tasty snacks the whole
family can enjoy. Fruit wedges, granola bars, peanut butter
sandwiches, and even homemade trail mix are great foods for
traveling, and can make long hours of traveling much more fun.
7. Immunizations and medical records. If you're traveling out of
the country, you'll need to have your kids immunized against
various diseases and conditions, but you'll also want to have
everyone get a health checkup before leaving and upon your
return. Make an appointment with the doctor or physician at
least two to three weeks before your travel dates, so that
everyone can enjoy the trip in the best of health.
8. Passports, visas, and identity cards. Make sure you have all
of the paperwork and materials you will need for your travel
plans well ahead of time, and pack all of these in a separate
case for easy access. All of your personal records need to be in
an easily accessible place in case of emergency, so be sure to
make a place for these and keep them on close-at-hand during
your trip.
Whether you're traveling on a long road trip or taking an
airplane ride with your kids, making sure they are comfortable,
safe, and enjoying the experience should be a top priority. Stay
organized and plan ahead, using all of these simple strategies,
so that you can deliver a fun vacation the whole family will
About the author:
April Aguren is the owner of ChildToGo.com, a kids' travel
accessory website. She has traveled extensively as a marketing
event manager for work and with her family for fun. She is also
the author of the ebook, "Wedding Bells: an eguide to planning
your wedding." For more information on travel accessory gear for
your baby, toddler or preschooler, see her site at href="http://www.childtogo.com">www.childtogo.com.

Traveling is an exciting time for the entire family, and if you
are taking a toddler along on the trip, you'll need to plan
ahead with activities, snacks, and all the right tools to stay
Traveling with kids is much more fun when everyone is
well-prepared for the adventure; this means packing the right
items, making sure there are enough activities to keep the kids
busy, and keeping everyone's safety in mind. Whether you're
planning a short weekend getaway or a few weeks on a family
vacation, here are some simple tips for traveling with a toddler:
1. Car seats, baby carriers, strollers, and booster seats.
Making sure you have a safe car seat, a stroller and booster
seats available, will make it much easier to travel to different
venues with your toddler. Car seats can ensure a safe drive,
while your own collapsible stroller will make it simple to tour
and visit different areas without having to rent equipment.
Leave room in your car to pack the stroller easily, and take
along a booster seat if you have some extra space. You may also
want to bring a sling or baby carrier to reduce the amount of
gear to pack if your child is not too heavy for you to carry.
Most slings can support a child up to 35 lbs. Check with your
sling's/carrier's manufacturer for details.
2. Comfortable clothing. The right outfit for the day of
traveling is important, since you want your toddler to be
comfortable and enjoy the experience. Light-colored clothing
works best, especially if you're traveling to a warmer climate.
You'll want to pack at least two outfits for the days you'll be
traveling on the road or in an airplane, as your toddler may
spill food and drinks on their clothes and that will require an
outfit change.
3. Diaper bags and accessories. You'll need a place to store
those extra diaper bags, toys, videos, snacks, and clothing, so
that everything is within easy reach. If you are traveling by
car or van, pick up an organizer bag that you can just hang over
the car seat, or a tote-style box/organizer that you can slip
into the trunk of the car.
4. Puzzles and games. Puzzles and games will keep your toddler
and kids busy during those very long travel times, so make sure
you're taking along a tote bag of their favorite toys, coloring
books, and games. Games don't have to contain lots of pieces
when you're on the road - think about simple activities such as
coloring books with crayons, picture books, and activity books
that will keep them occupied. You also may want to create a
surprise bag of little games/treats for each hour/certain number
of miles passed. This keeps them entertained and wondering what
will come next.
5. DVDs and media activities. A portable DVD player, an iPod, or
just a simple CD player are other activities that can keep your
toddler and kids occupied on a long trip. Rent some of their
favorite movies for the DVD player, or just pick up some fun
books on tape for them to listen to. These activities can keep
kids busy for a few hours, and are especially valuable for those
extra-long trips.
6. Snacks and food. Taking along enough snacks is essential when
traveling with kids, especially since you don't want to waste
lots of money on food and snacks along the way. Packing your own
snacks and food will also ensure that your kids can eat healthy
when traveling, so think of simple and tasty snacks the whole
family can enjoy. Fruit wedges, granola bars, peanut butter
sandwiches, and even homemade trail mix are great foods for
traveling, and can make long hours of traveling much more fun.
7. Immunizations and medical records. If you're traveling out of
the country, you'll need to have your kids immunized against
various diseases and conditions, but you'll also want to have
everyone get a health checkup before leaving and upon your
return. Make an appointment with the doctor or physician at
least two to three weeks before your travel dates, so that
everyone can enjoy the trip in the best of health.
8. Passports, visas, and identity cards. Make sure you have all
of the paperwork and materials you will need for your travel
plans well ahead of time, and pack all of these in a separate
case for easy access. All of your personal records need to be in
an easily accessible place in case of emergency, so be sure to
make a place for these and keep them on close-at-hand during
your trip.
Whether you're traveling on a long road trip or taking an
airplane ride with your kids, making sure they are comfortable,
safe, and enjoying the experience should be a top priority. Stay
organized and plan ahead, using all of these simple strategies,
so that you can deliver a fun vacation the whole family will
About the author:
April Aguren is the owner of ChildToGo.com, a kids' travel
accessory website. She has traveled extensively as a marketing
event manager for work and with her family for fun. She is also
the author of the ebook, "Wedding Bells: an eguide to planning
your wedding." For more information on travel accessory gear for
your baby, toddler or preschooler, see her site at href="http://www.childtogo.com">www.childtogo.com.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Pregnancy Nutrition - Is Caffeine OK?
Author: Laura Flynn
Back in 1980 the FDA published a warning advising pregnant women
to restrict or eliminate their intake of caffeine because of its
teratogenic effects (cause birth defects). This was echoed in
1994 with a review of over 200 medical journals by Dr. Astrid
Nehlig that was published in The Journal of Neurotoxicology and
Currently, the advice on caffeine intake during pregnancy is
moderation - meaning less than 300mg. This is because new
studies show no harm with intakes less than that. Due to the
fact that scientific studies are showing new and different
results, I tend to be conservative in my personal view on
caffeine and pregnancy.
What does caffeine do?
Caffeine stimulates your central nervous system, leaches
calcium, reduces iron absorption, has a diuretic effect and
crosses the placenta into your baby. This means it has the
following results in your body:
• Raises your heart rate • Decreases the amount of calcium
in your body • Dehydrates you • Increases your blood
pressure • AND the same things occur for your baby (except
baby will steal from your bones to get needed calcium)
That's not all - it also interferes with a normal fetal growth,
is associated with lower birth weight and weakens adrenal
glands, which affect your blood sugar regulation and stress
coping abilities.
It is best to avoid or at least reduce your caffeine intake to
no more than 300mg per day. Some experts say no more than 150mg
per day. You may be able to handle the caffeine, but baby's
liver is immature and not able to get rid of it like you.
Imagine if that 1 cup of morning coffee lasted you 40-130 hours
as it does for your baby.
Common caffeine sources
• Coffee (100-200 mg per 8 ounce) • Tea (black 60mg, green
40mg) • Soda (40-75mg per can) • Dark Chocolate (5-35mg per
1 ounce) • Milk Chocolate (1-15mg per 1 ounce) • Headache
medicine (65-130mg)
If you are a caffeine user, I recommend reducing to less than
300mg per day (some studies show increase miscarriages with more
than 300mg). Then gradually reducing to as close to zero as
possible, which will not only benefit your baby, but also your
ability to handle stress.
About the author:
Laura Flynn, Registered Dietician, is Co-Author of The Fit and
Healthy Pregnancy Guide - your source for holistic coaching on
pregnancy nutrition and exercise. Visit
http://www.FitandHealthyPregnancy.com for Free Special Reports
and articles.
Back in 1980 the FDA published a warning advising pregnant women
to restrict or eliminate their intake of caffeine because of its
teratogenic effects (cause birth defects). This was echoed in
1994 with a review of over 200 medical journals by Dr. Astrid
Nehlig that was published in The Journal of Neurotoxicology and
Currently, the advice on caffeine intake during pregnancy is
moderation - meaning less than 300mg. This is because new
studies show no harm with intakes less than that. Due to the
fact that scientific studies are showing new and different
results, I tend to be conservative in my personal view on
caffeine and pregnancy.
What does caffeine do?
Caffeine stimulates your central nervous system, leaches
calcium, reduces iron absorption, has a diuretic effect and
crosses the placenta into your baby. This means it has the
following results in your body:
• Raises your heart rate • Decreases the amount of calcium
in your body • Dehydrates you • Increases your blood
pressure • AND the same things occur for your baby (except
baby will steal from your bones to get needed calcium)
That's not all - it also interferes with a normal fetal growth,
is associated with lower birth weight and weakens adrenal
glands, which affect your blood sugar regulation and stress
coping abilities.
It is best to avoid or at least reduce your caffeine intake to
no more than 300mg per day. Some experts say no more than 150mg
per day. You may be able to handle the caffeine, but baby's
liver is immature and not able to get rid of it like you.
Imagine if that 1 cup of morning coffee lasted you 40-130 hours
as it does for your baby.
Common caffeine sources
• Coffee (100-200 mg per 8 ounce) • Tea (black 60mg, green
40mg) • Soda (40-75mg per can) • Dark Chocolate (5-35mg per
1 ounce) • Milk Chocolate (1-15mg per 1 ounce) • Headache
medicine (65-130mg)
If you are a caffeine user, I recommend reducing to less than
300mg per day (some studies show increase miscarriages with more
than 300mg). Then gradually reducing to as close to zero as
possible, which will not only benefit your baby, but also your
ability to handle stress.
About the author:
Laura Flynn, Registered Dietician, is Co-Author of The Fit and
Healthy Pregnancy Guide - your source for holistic coaching on
pregnancy nutrition and exercise. Visit
http://www.FitandHealthyPregnancy.com for Free Special Reports
and articles.
Mental Nutrition--Eating Well Means Smarter Children
Author: Team at Meal Plans 101
It's that time of year again. Alarms are sounding off in homes
everywhere--and that can only mean one thing--children are
heading back to school. Did you know the foods you feed your
children can make or break their mental performance in school?
There are very specific tips and tools that can help your
youngster (and, really, adults too) how to optimize both mental
and physical performance. While I can't promise straight A's, I
can promise that the food you provide for your family can
absolutely improve the likelihood of them doing well. Food is
fuel. Would you put mud in the tank of a race car? Well feeding
your body junk food is like putting mud in the gas tank--it
won't translate to optimal performance. Here are a few things
that will along with some quick dinner ideas, since time is of
the essence.
There is no telling what your day will be like, so it's crucial
to pack food for a typical day ahead of time; doing so the night
before schools is ideal. It's not easy to be the gatekeeper,
making sure everyone gets to school or work on time. We know the
routine all too well--running around, trying to make sure every
last thing is done before the family is out the door. Remember
you should eat every few hours to get the necessary glucose and
other nutrients to your head.
Second, eat breakfast. If success is your goal, you won't get
there without breakfast. Don't have time in the morning--make
it, because this is clearly the most important meal of the day!
Not hungry after just rolling out of bed--too bad. It doesn't
take more than 3 minutes to eat a piece of fruit, swallow down a
yogurt, or whip up a meal replacement powder with frozen fruit.
Oh yeah, and don't think about a drive thru unless you also plan
to stop to put mud in your gas tank to effectively fuel your
Keep in mind that there are also specific foods that are loaded
with nutrients; fruit in general is great, but dark berries in
particular have been shown to pack a super nutrient punch.
Having some protein at each meal may help keep you stay alert at
your desk as well. Remember too that glucose is the brains
primary food; low carb diets will keep you in a fog all day, so
don't forget the whole grains as well.
Finally, omega-3 fatty acids are necessary for brain development
and mental performance. Eating well throughout the day is
important, but it's often dinner that trips us up with schedules
that don't make life easy. Give this quick dinner idea a try and
you'll soon rival Einstein's mental clarity.
Cerebral Culinary Cuisine 4 oz grilled wild salmon 1 medium
sized sweet potato or yam 1 cup steamed broccoli
If you want more quick dinner ideas, check out
http://www.mealplans101.com to get a FREE 16 week transformation
e-course that provides tips from industry experts, allows you to
create your own meal plans, or offers an upgrade to get 60 meal
plans created by two of the industry's leading registered
dietitians. Go get it right now at http://www.mealplans101.com
About the author:
Christopher R. Mohr, PhD, RD and Jayson Hunter, RD, CSCS are two
of the industry's leading nutrition experts. They created
http://www.mealplans101.com to provide the most effective, yet
simple meal planning software to date.
It's that time of year again. Alarms are sounding off in homes
everywhere--and that can only mean one thing--children are
heading back to school. Did you know the foods you feed your
children can make or break their mental performance in school?
There are very specific tips and tools that can help your
youngster (and, really, adults too) how to optimize both mental
and physical performance. While I can't promise straight A's, I
can promise that the food you provide for your family can
absolutely improve the likelihood of them doing well. Food is
fuel. Would you put mud in the tank of a race car? Well feeding
your body junk food is like putting mud in the gas tank--it
won't translate to optimal performance. Here are a few things
that will along with some quick dinner ideas, since time is of
the essence.
There is no telling what your day will be like, so it's crucial
to pack food for a typical day ahead of time; doing so the night
before schools is ideal. It's not easy to be the gatekeeper,
making sure everyone gets to school or work on time. We know the
routine all too well--running around, trying to make sure every
last thing is done before the family is out the door. Remember
you should eat every few hours to get the necessary glucose and
other nutrients to your head.
Second, eat breakfast. If success is your goal, you won't get
there without breakfast. Don't have time in the morning--make
it, because this is clearly the most important meal of the day!
Not hungry after just rolling out of bed--too bad. It doesn't
take more than 3 minutes to eat a piece of fruit, swallow down a
yogurt, or whip up a meal replacement powder with frozen fruit.
Oh yeah, and don't think about a drive thru unless you also plan
to stop to put mud in your gas tank to effectively fuel your
Keep in mind that there are also specific foods that are loaded
with nutrients; fruit in general is great, but dark berries in
particular have been shown to pack a super nutrient punch.
Having some protein at each meal may help keep you stay alert at
your desk as well. Remember too that glucose is the brains
primary food; low carb diets will keep you in a fog all day, so
don't forget the whole grains as well.
Finally, omega-3 fatty acids are necessary for brain development
and mental performance. Eating well throughout the day is
important, but it's often dinner that trips us up with schedules
that don't make life easy. Give this quick dinner idea a try and
you'll soon rival Einstein's mental clarity.
Cerebral Culinary Cuisine 4 oz grilled wild salmon 1 medium
sized sweet potato or yam 1 cup steamed broccoli
If you want more quick dinner ideas, check out
http://www.mealplans101.com to get a FREE 16 week transformation
e-course that provides tips from industry experts, allows you to
create your own meal plans, or offers an upgrade to get 60 meal
plans created by two of the industry's leading registered
dietitians. Go get it right now at http://www.mealplans101.com
About the author:
Christopher R. Mohr, PhD, RD and Jayson Hunter, RD, CSCS are two
of the industry's leading nutrition experts. They created
http://www.mealplans101.com to provide the most effective, yet
simple meal planning software to date.
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